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Old town view from Lovrijenac。堡壘上的景觀。可以清楚看到舊城區建造在險峭的岩石上。
Dubrovnik Old town view in 7am 起個大早能拍到心中想要的畫面
Dubrovnik old town narrow stairs 很有味道的狹窄巷弄
Dubrovnik old town main street
Another view of Dubrovnik old town
lovrijenac view 望出去海天一色景觀
Stradun main street in old town. 舊城區氣派的主要大道
Dubrovnik old town city wall walk 大力推薦的舊城區城牆散步
old town view from city wall 橘紅磚瓦屋頂搭配白黃色建築很有中午世紀的味道
cafe right outside the city wall! 城牆外的咖啡廳
Enjoy sunset on city wall 城牆上欣賞夕陽
coolest basketball court in the world! 城堡內的籃球場!
swing right outside the old town! 城堡外的盪鞦韆
famous spot for Game of Thrones 權力遊戲拍攝點之一
Dubrovnik harbour 舊城外港口。曾經擁有號稱與威尼斯齊名的強盛時代!
Magnificent view post cable car, 搭纜車上山可看到完整的古城
Lokrum Island next to old town, 舊城區外的小島也是權力遊戲另一個拍攝地
The old town of Dubrovnik is relatively easy to cover in one very full day but to make the most of the late afternoon light which enhances the colours of the city, it s best to plan for 2-3 days.